Tuesday, January 22, 2013

a quick finish

   Last week I was monogamously stitching on Poinsettia Place.  So as someone with a WIP problem, I needed a quick fix of something different and being a good cold sheep-er (?) I dove into my yarn stash for some scraps.  I managed to come up with this:

It doesn't look like much, but 2 1/2 hours of knitting (meaning just over 2 episodes of Psych on Netflix) and a trip through the washing machine got me this:

A felted flower bowl.  This little bowl is currently sitting on my desk and it makes me smile.  Of course, I promptly picked Poinsettia Place back up after I finished showing everyone who would listen how cute this is.  So, it doesn't really count as cheating on a WIP if I finished the impulse CO in one sitting.  That's my story anyway.

Pattern: Felted Flower Bowl, Meg Myers
Yarn: Bits of Patons Classic Wool and 
Elann.com Peruvian Highland Wool


  1. Super cute and happy! What are you going to use it for?

    1. For now, it's sitting on my desk and accumulating random junk. :) But, I'm thinking of making a lot more of these for mini gift baskets.


designed with love by beautiful dawn designs