Monday, April 1, 2013

Mrs. Claus

  Mrs. Claus now has her very own cookie shop in my Santa's Village piece.  I have to admit that I slacked a bit on stitching this one and didn't finish stitching until last night!  I took the photos this morning since I missed the last of the daylight yesterday.  I was still stitching!  I just barely made it on schedule and officially finished stitching Mrs. Claus' Cookie Shop March 31st.

Mrs. Claus finishes the first row of Santa's Village.  From L to R:

Santa's House

Poinsettia Place

North Pole Post Office

Mrs. Claus' Cookie Shop
Floss: all DMC as charted
Fabric: Wichelt Amber Linen (32 count, 2 over 2)

(please excuse my wrinkled fabric)

  I'm waiting to get the next chart in the mail.  For the next row, I may omit the red and white striped border along the top of the houses, but I'm still deciding.


  1. Love the fabric you've chosen. I wish I had gone darker. I'm staring the second one soon. Great job!

  2. I love it! I am way behind!!

  3. fantastic, i love the fabric, it looks great.
    Congratulations !


designed with love by beautiful dawn designs